Rabu, 02 Juli 2008

Would You Like To Make Money At Home, Make Money Online - On the Internet?

By Michael A Fowler, M.B.A.Money making opportunities are now abundant on the Internet. Home money making ideas have a vast range and scope, which cover everything from Cookies to Car Sales. Millions of people worldwide are seizing the chance to become self employed. But is making money on the Internet as viable as it seems? If you expect any level of success, then goal-setting is very important but it must be attainable in the time that you set. Impossible goals that are not achievable will only depress your future efforts. To make money online, you obviously need certain equipment and the ability to keep it serviceable. A lot of people online do not budget for sudden mishaps or loss of service, or computer problems. That is something to keep in mind before business commences. Your computer becomes essential to make money on the Internet. Today, women make up a vast percentage of people who work online. They want to know how they can make money at home, still look after their children and run the household. Making money on the Internet is an obvious choice. Today, women contribute up to 50% or more of the combined family income total. Men take note... It is perfectly true that the rewards and advantages of working at home can be limitless. Let’s be honest, who wants to spend hours in a metal box on the freeway? Who needs someone that tells them they have to work the weekend on a Friday afternoon? It’s no wonder that to make money at home is a far better idea. So, what do you start and where do you start? Money-making, home-based opportunities that match a person's skills, interests, abilities, and ingenuity have become almost limitless. A good place to start looking is on the search engines. Tell the search engine what you want to find and it will direct you there. Good search ideas might be; a). Make money at home b). Make money online c). Make money on the Internet You will get a host of results but the time spent is well worth the effort, to find something that interests you. Remember the advantages and that efforts mirror results. Best of luck in whatever you decide to do, to make money at home. About the author:Michael A Fowler, M.B.A. is the editor of the Internet's premier work at home resource: Work from Home Journal. An Online Trainer, Mentor and Coach, Michael has been helping people to succeed online since 1998. http://www.the-mba-way.com Goldcard43@aol.com Circulated by Article Emporium

What Makes Up The Best Online Home Based Business

By Jeff SchumanWhat does it take to be called the best online home based business? You can break this down into 2 areas. First off all this has to be a business that you operate on the internet. Secondly home based means just that. You will operate this business out of your home. But home based also means that you may go outside of your home for various parts of your day to day business. The internet has really made it possible for anyone to operate a business from the comfort of their own home. Really you can operate an online business anywhere you have internet access. If you are travelling to Mexico you are still in business because the internet does not stop even when you do. Plus as long as you have access to the internet you can still work your business. My wife an I do this all of the time. It's a neat feature. A few key things that will help make your online business the best to operate from home. 1. You want to be able to get started without spending a lot of money. YOu will need to invest a little to get started for web site hosting, an email automatic responder, but you can generally start and operate the best online home based business for less than $100 as month. 2. Choose a business with products that can be sold anywhere in the world. This gives you an excellent chance for success because you are not limited to one area where you live. For this reason internet information type of products work well because you provide instant access to your customer with no shipping costs. 3. Look for products that are in demand. You do not want to have to create a market for your products, but rather you will want to concentrate on advertising and marketing your products to customers that already have a need and interest in what you are selling. 4. The less competition the better. For that reason there is so much emphasis these days on niche marketing. If you can start your online home business with a product or service that does not have a lot of competition in a market there is a need for your chances for succeeding go up. 5. Personally I want the best online home based business to give me everything I need to get started right away. A business in a box is perfect because I do not have the technical ability to put together a complete money making system from scratch. If you can't build a web site or progam an email campaign then you are going to be looking for the same thing as me. Give us a program with good products, a website, a follow-up email campaign, and training on how to market online. With all of this an internet business operated from home stands a much better chance of succeeding. When I started making money online from my home I hooked up with the Plugin Profit Site. It gave me everything I needed to get started in 3 easy steps for less than $100. It is a decision I have never regretted for many reasons. I encourage to check it out and join me in what I feel is the best online home based business available today. About the author:Team-Schuman.Com contains the best make money online and make money websites available today. If you want to make money check us out here: http://www.team-schuman.com/best-online-home-based-business.htmlCirculated by Article Emporium

Using Blogs to promote your Home Business Part. 2

By Aaron WilmontA trend that has been rapidly growing on the net has been the use of blogs, also known as web logs. These may be very useful to you since e-mail applications such as ezines have been very hard hit recently from UCE (unsolicited commercial email), aka spam. Blogs are simply a content delivery system which some say can ultimately replace commercial e-mail to an extent. A blog might contain any content you desire, such as an article, rambling or any irreverent post you can think of. It could also feature the latest product upgrades, website updates and other pertinent information. By using them to help promote your home business you are accessing an entirely new audience. Getting a blog rolling for you is not particularly hard. Blogger(owned by Google search) may be the best way. Tblog is also a free to use service, and paid ones include salon dot com and the blogging network. Tripod offers a free blog builder and hosting service too. It was one of the first such free services, yet may be inferior to some services in certain quality respects. You can also use software applications to to create a more customized blog for your website. One of the major pluses of blogs is that they often to get good search engine posititioning because of interlinking and their content. Search Engines understand that most blogs are updated on a regular basis. Blogs have brought in a new flavor to the media relations world since bloggers are often seen as opinion leaders in their particular field. Topic specific blogs have become a kind of "speaker's corner" for the internet due to their relevency. Area specific blogs can also be a very useful resource. You might want to set up a city or town based blog. Or a webblog that covers particular topics or news effecting a certain state or other geographical location. Blogs can also be a source of news for subjects not covered in the mainstream media. You could use blogs to promote your website directly or use the traffic to promote an affiliate program like Google adwords to set up another stream of income. Once you have your blog up and running, there are a number of superb resources that you can use to promote it. Blog-city is a blog search engine and directory, blogsearchengine.com, blogwise (paid) and bloghop dot com(paid). Using blogs effectively can certainly improve the internet marketing results for your home business! About the author:Aaron Wilmont is a writer/researcher of home business and other topics. More free reprint articles at http://www.home-business-match.comand http://www.aaronsfreebies.comCirculated by Article Emporium

Using Blogs to promote your Home Business

By Aaron WilmontA trend that has been rapidly growing on the net has been the use of blogs, also known as web logs. These may be very useful to you since e-mail applications such as ezines have been very hard hit recently from UCE (unsolicited commercial email), aka spam. Blogs are simply a content delivery system which some say can ultimately replace commercial e-mail to an extent. A blog might contain any content you desire, such as an article, rambling or any irreverent post you can think of. It could also feature the latest product upgrades, website updates and other pertinent information. By using them to help promote your home business you are accessing an entirely new audience. Getting a blog rolling for you is not particularly hard. Blogger(owned by Google search) may be the best way. Tblog is also a free to use service, and paid ones include salon dot com and the blogging network. Tripod offers a free blog builder and hosting service too. It was one of the first such free services, yet may be inferior to some services in certain quality respects. You can also use software applications to to create a more customized blog for your website. One of the major pluses of blogs is that they often to get good search engine posititioning because of interlinking and their content. Search Engines understand that most blogs are updated on a regular basis. Blogs have brought in a new flavor to the media relations world since bloggers are often seen as opinion leaders in their particular field. Topic specific blogs have become a kind of "speaker's corner" for the internet due to their relevency. Area specific blogs can also be a very useful resource. You might want to set up a city or town based blog. Or a webblog that covers particular topics or news effecting a certain state or other geographical location. Blogs can also be a source of news for subjects not covered in the mainstream media. You could use blogs to promote your website directly or use the traffic to promote an affiliate program like Google adwords to set up another stream of income. Once you have your blog up and running, there are a number of superb resources that you can use to promote it. Blog-city is a blog search engine and directory, blogsearchengine.com, blogwise (paid) and bloghop dot com(paid). Using blogs effectively can certainly improve the internet marketing results for your home business! About the author:Aaron Wilmont is a writer/researcher of home business and other topics. More free reprint articles at http://www.home-business-match.comand http://www.aaronsfreebies.comCirculated by Article Emporium

The Real Truth about - "How to Make Money on the Internet."

By Michael A Fowler, M.B.A.You know... for a few years even I doubted that network marketing was a real business... Sure, I read about how to make money at home and how easy it was to make money online. Burning the candle at both ends... listening to seminars that told me all about residual income, how to achieve the status of “network marketing professional”, reading e-books that told me how great life is at the top... But – Hey... Hold On! How do you get there? I’ve joined a business but my upline doesn’t respond to my questions... the company are ‘brain dead’ and I don’t know what I am doing exactly... Is that how people make money on the Internet? Is that any way to start off in network marketing? Will that keep me in the business? It certainly did not. Then along came another business and a support team that I never even contemplated could exist anywhere on the Internet. That was many years ago... If I ever had any advice to pass on to people who are considering network marketing as a profession, then it would be to take a good look at what support is available, before even thinking about making money online. Next, have a look at how the company is structured. Don’t ever sign up for anything until you have checked it out very thoroughly. How ‘open to scrutiny’ is the business you are considering? If there are any conditions before you have a look, run for cover and take your money with you! Now... back to the subject. Is the ability to make money online for real? Yes, it is. I would ask anyone to dispute that fact. So many are disgruntled by their failure in network marketing but how many actually stood the test of time and worked at it as hard as they would with a boss standing over them? How many worked the same hours as they would in a job? I can honestly tell you that not many do the above and most have higher “Online” expectations than the network marketing company can deliver, or the average person can hope to accomplish. Building a downline is not easy but can be achieved with the right people duplicating your process and getting the right online support. Network Marketing is the only way to produce a lasting residual income. To make money at home, without having to find the funds that would normally be required to pay you a similar amount each month from a large investment. Why do people give up this ‘retirement plan’ so easily? Why do people work 40 plus hours a week just to pay the bills and yet do nothing to make money on the Internet and build a residual income for themselves? Why is a process that takes 40 years to accomplish considered a ‘better alternative’ than a network marketing plan that can accomplish this task within 4-5 years, with a similar amount of work? Yes, there are ‘scoundrel companies’ out there. That is why ‘due diligence’ is so important. How many people actually do any? Then they wonder why they are failing at it... Would you buy something from someone that you couldn’t see, couldn’t talk to and had no visible representation, no credibility and no experience in what they were doing or trying to sell you? No, you wouldn’t, yet it happens on the Internet every day! Yes, network marketing is a real business and you can make money on the Internet. It produces real full-time residual incomes for thousands of people worldwide but you must choose the right business with the right people and take the time to build your dream of Financial Freedom. Every time you think of quitting, stop and look at the alternatives... All people see, is what it is costing them. Does that ever amount into what you would pay for a franchise or alternative business? No, it does not. Whatever you may think of network marketing, it is still the only way that the ‘small guy’ can achieve financial freedom and success. Millions of people are making their money from home. Do they need expensive premises and huge overheads? No, they make money online, on the Internet, working at home. About the author:Michael A Fowler, M.B.A. is the editor of the Internet's premier work at home resource: Work from Home Journal. An Online Trainer, Mentor and Coach, Michael has been helping people to succeed online since 1998. http://www.the-mba-way.com Goldcard43@aol.com

Do You Want To Sell More? Then Stop Trying To Be Everything To Everybody!

By Eric GrahamI know you've heard this a thousand times, but from the looks of things few businesses are following the advice… Far too many businesses (online or offline) define their target market as “anyone with a pulse and a wallet.” (Not always in that order.) You read their sales copy and it's the same old, walking on eggshells “corporate speak”, devoid of personality, writing to a group style, as everyone else in their industry. Sure. They're not going to eliminate any “potential buyers”… But there're not going to stand out from the crowd and get their message noticed either! You need to define your target customer as specifically as possible. You should describe your customer in exacting detail. Not as a group, but as an individual. Get a laser focused, clear and precise image in your mind of one specific person. Know that persons sex, age, marital status, wants, needs, educational background, psychographics, demographics, geographics, technographics (level of technological sophistication), understand their psychological motivations, hopes, fears… Everything! And then (and only then) write your copy directly to that person. Craft your message to your target customer in a one-on-one, person to person style, keeping this focused image of who you are talking to clear in your mind. So… You've clearly defined your target customer. Great. Now you're ahead of 95% of the business in your market. Do you want to know how to jump ahead of the other 5%? (This next tip is something that very few top marketers talk about… But it just may be one of the most important activities you ever do for your business.) Clearly define who your customer IS NOT! Spell it out… Write it down… Let the world know, exactly who you REFUSE to do business with. Eliminate the freebie seekers, bargain hunters, complainers, whiners, price shoppers, deadbeats and time leaches (Michel Fortin calls them “Vampires”… I love that…) The first step in face to face selling is to qualify the prospect. So I've never understood why so many businesses are afraid to do the same thing when selling in print or on the computer screen. Cowards! Guess what? An amazing thing happens when you “take something away”. By stating (unapologetically) in your copy that “This offer IS NOT for everybody…”, “…only a select, elite few will qualify…”, “…unless you meet the following qualifications, you can't beg us to let you buy this…”, something magical takes place in the sales process. The dynamic changes, from YOU trying to convince the PROSPECT that they need your product… to the PROSPECT trying to convince YOU that they are qualified to buy what you are offering. So, stop worrying about eliminating part of your potential market by only focusing on your “ideal customer”, the ones you eliminate wouldn't have bought from you anyway. And by adding a bit of “posture” to your copy, your conversion rates with your REAL market will skyrocket. Just remember this… If you try to be “everything to everybody”, you will end up being “nothing to nobody”.

Rabu, 25 Juni 2008

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind,: Excellence is a Relentless Pursuit

This book delivers its promise in the following manner. The first four chapters have been written in a traditional business style, the hallmarks of success as outlined in the qualities of leadership that companies embrace for mastery. The first four chapters are the keys to excellence in corporate thought. The final twenty short chapters of one to two pages have been written as fables, stories and parables with lessons attached to them.
Chapter One: Excellence is the Chosen Path
Excellence in your Company
The chapter describes in detail;
Supporting risk through action and interpretation
Full partnerships with clients/ customers
Stimulating the individual
Leadership and motivation; entrepreneurship within the ranks
Motivating people whose productivity is for their own benefit
Hands on management teams shaping values
Letting management manage due to simplification of structures that embrace corporate productivity
Releasing the latent potential in staff through active participation
This chapter describes the characteristics of excellent companies, leadership within the companies that lead to balancing liberation of talent with support. The key point of excellence has always been the cohesion of the team in the grass roots belief of excellence on all levels. This chapter discusses balancing the process of leadership and how we get there through cohesion within the management team. It elaborates on the cohesion of the team through the integration of integrity and values.
Chapter Two
Excellence in Your People
How do we get excellence in the people that propel the company forward?
We look for : Levels of integration of effort
Levels of integrity of thought
Personal vision as to purpose within the company
They also understand that self initiated, self-directed experimentation is the key to success.
To create ownership, projects must be encouraged
Creativity means dreaming up new things; innovation is doing old things in a more efficient way.
Power to implement these ideas is critical to the entrepreneur and will stifle creativity and productivity if criticized.
Four entrepreneurs are introduced; all have stories that are impossible in the conventional thought. However, the desire and the drive for excellence propelled each of these people to outstanding results in there field, beyond the expectation of human possibility. They are Oprah, Deepak Chopra, Jim Carey, and Anthony Robbins. How can corporations learn from these folks who built empires on their own?
This chapter also discusses the true characteristics of professionals:
In sports
In values
In purpose
In the soul’s need to be the very best
Change is not created through illusions; it is created by the souls’ need for excellence. It is important to begin with the end in mind, to see the product before it is built, to believe in the dream before it becomes a reality. The entrepreneur builds the empire in spirit, harmony, and unity for financial immortality.
Chapter Three
Win… What is Important Now!
This chapter is just a story about a baseball player who knew what to do in the top of the sixth inning in a no win game against the Boston Red Sox. I then tell my own baseball story, and what happened to my team when I came back after an injury and went on to play the final game bandages and all. When we remember WIN…What does Important Now, life always give us the final inning? The champions know what it takes to win, and they pull out all the stops to get there in the last moments of the last inning of the last game. It is the reality of relationship that makes life and the WIN important.
Wizards, Myths, fables, and Other Misnomers in Business
Why this book was written in the manner that it was. I combined the fables that my mother had read me as a child with the business savvy of my father. The wish was that that combination and small samplings of tales has the reader looking at life more than rose colored glasses in order to slay the dragons in any market.
Secret One;
Always follow the Dream
The biblical story of Joseph and the techni color dream color. The liberation of Joseph’s talent as a dreamier made all the difference to his family and to his nation. Without following the obstacles around the drams and over the hardships, through the rejection to final fruition of the vision, no glory is found.
Secret Two
You are Perfect… the Fable of the Tortoise and the Eagle
One of the greatest lessons and gifts of life is the present, which you are. Victory shows up in making the choices at the levels of performance in what we do our best selves, and by our true unique nature. Contributing to excellence in every interaction captures the magic of our very existence.
Secret Three
Passion is not a Four Letter word, Fear is
Complacency is a deeper rut than a tomb. This fun chapter discusses the blessings of stepping from fear to passion in the parable of the fable of the crow and the two seeds. In seeking challenges growth appears and fears disappears.
Secret Four
Time is of the Essence
The fable of the white rabbit discusses the value of time management. What is important now is just part of the equation, what is important in the future must also be considered. Point zero in business is where most business operate. How do we get past point zero in time, money, and effort to get into profit?
Reverse timelines, the calendar, and the Swiss cheese approach to life in order to put order into chaos of your personal, professional life. There is not point to carve out a living when you forget to carve out a life.
Secret Five
The Pain brings Gain Myth
Inspiration vs. Perspiration
Belling the cat is a hilarious tale from Aesop. The myth is that it takes pain to bring gain. Problems are never sent to give us perspiration, they are sent to give us inspiration. When inspired enough you will step out of your comfort zones to accomplish the vision and conquer the obstacles.
Secret Six
The Butterfly Theory, Making the Market work for you!
We all know and understand that the butterfly theory of chaos a butterfly’s wings fluttered in Rome cause an earthquake in Singapore. Therefore, it is with marketing. Once you have discovered the market and the possibilities of that market, each type of marketing feeds off the other or builds on the other as a another dimension of media . The secrets to marketing is exchange what can you exchange? You r know ledge and skill for another person’s knowledge and skill. Get rich in your niche and growing your business means growing your self?
Secret Seven
Walking the Financial Tightrope or Surfing the Net works
This chapter discusses the markets where you gain financial success. Newton’s law of gravity works in business as well as in physics… an object in motion stays in motion, and object at rest stays at rest. The object in motion should be you. The miracle of the internet quantifies this amount, an easy way to sell to millions.
Secret Eight
Promotion is Communication, or the Fable of the Goat and the Fox
The simple fable of using dramatic means to self-promotion to broadcast your business. The magic of the mix is the combination of broadcast. The bolder the more dramatic, the promotion the broader you market becomes. All electromagnetic frequencies alter matter, voice alters matter.
Secret Nine
Dialing for Dollars
Calling past clients, clients, geographic databases to ask for repeat and referral business, if you have served your clients well, you will serve them again and again. Matching and mirroring the clients gives maximum results. Continue to raise yourself and others to the standards of excellence that you envision.
Secret Ten
Lazarus theory or the Dead Client Walking: Know the difference
How to spot a dead client a mile away, and bow to handle the objections to make this client work for you and with you by setting your boundaries. The good angler can catch and release.
Secret Eleven
The Tale of St. George and the Dragon… or Dealing with the Dragon Client
Beware of the smoke screens, and much noise. A control freak at best that wastes your time and money in trying to please him/her. When the dragon client arrives, leave the crusade for change behind you and let him terrorize someone else. If you need the lesson, understand that this person is your greatest teacher.
Secret Twelve
Loyalty for Life or You don’t want the Business
The Tale of the Ugly Wife
Camelot found. When you discover that the mystery of the ugly wife holds for you all the wealth in the world will be yours. This very old tale discusses the marriage of Sir Gawain, royal knight of the Round Table a good and worthy servant of King Arthur to a HAG. In discovering her internal beauty and the lessons that she had for him, she became the most beautiful woman in the world. Discovering what the bride/client really wants, gives you riches beyond your imagination.
Secret Thirteen
The Fool Who is Silent Passes for Wise
The lesson of Silence is found in the story of Narcissus. When the Echo or Salesman repeats the needs of the client over and over, the client falls in love with him/her. Narcissus fell in love with the silent pool because the mirror in the pond was he. As we learn to be a reflection of what the client needs, business becomes endless. We look wise when we are silent rather than boastful.
Secret Fourteen
Practice, Practice, Practice
When we choose to change our definition of gratifying relationships to be long, lasting and mutual, not short term and empty, our businesses go up exponentially.
Secret Fifteen
Profitability to Die For or the Tale of Achilles
The riddle of Achilles hold the answers to real profit in business. When business crates energy with a four to one profitability of expenses to income. If the expense does not produce a profit in 45:1 return, you may be overlooking cast amounts of profit and where to earn these profits. Prune the roses for extra profit, cut off the dead wood, in your business for more profit.
Secret Sixteen
The Midas touch
Not all that glitters is gold. Midas pursuit of business was running him, because he abandoned all else for the pursuit of gold. Sometimes a profitable business is running you, rather than you running it, and the quality of your life disappears into it, heart disease, stroke and other disease are crated from this lust for gold.
Secret Seventeen
Be Proud of Who you are, or the Fable of the Millar, his Ass, and His Son
Probably one of the most humorous stories in this book is the fable of the miller, his son and the ass. Trying to please every one else, and not yourself is the key to failure. Being outstanding does not just take skill, it takes heart. In the willingness to contribute, to make a difference to society, to commit all to excellence, there creates a magical path to success. This path takes us beyond the Township of the Ordinary into the Country of Our Highest Purpose. There miracles and our destiny are found.
Secret Eighteen
Negotiation... Thor the Sledge Hammer, or the Count of Monte Christi Chisel
The tools that are required for excellence are always fine-tuned. They require a command of the facts, a list of the technical details, and finally the trust of the two parties to create a win/win situation in every circumstance.
Secret Nineteen
The Secret of Pandora’s Box
A Greek tale of love and lust. Again, the love of money creates disaster. What is in Pandora’s Box, the only redeeming quality left there was the element of Hope. Hope lives in the future, no matter how difficult and treacherous the past has been, hope gives us a promise of a new day tomorrow
Secret Twenty
The Buddha, the Traveler, and the Gift
Once upon a time, the Buddha was traveling and he came upon a traveler who wanted to walk with him. This traveler poured poison on the Buddha and after three days when he did not not respond, he asked the Buddha, why he had not retaliated. The Buddha responded with a question, this question is the great question of life and all teachers, healers give the same lesson, never retaliate in anger, and understand in love.
Epilogue Thoughts
Thoughts about the journey of success. The path is usually convoluted, unexpected and has no ending. The secrets are lessons learned over time for our amusement and personal growth. The lesson manifest at a time when we are ready to learn. Excellence is the relentless pursuit of the very best that we have to give to the universe, when we are ready to learn and ready to give. This is our very best, our relationships and our commitment to world service.

a millionaire mind

Why would I suggest that? Because I can only come from my own experience. Meaning that nothing I say is inherently true or false, right or wrong. It's just my experience.
The principles I teach in my seminars have totally transformed my life, and have now transformed the lives for over four years now. And if you learn these principles, and more importantly use them, they can transform your life too.
I began designing programs based on the 'inner' game of money and success and when we combined the inner game (the toolbox) with the outer game (the tools), virtually everybody's results went through the roof!
And that's what you're going to 'learn': how to blend the inner game with the outer game to achieve total success.
Josh Billings put it this way; 'It's not what we don't know that prevents us from succeeding, it's what we know that just ain't so that is our greatest obstacle.'
Therefore, it’s not only about 'learning,' it's also about 'unlearning!' It's important to realize that your old ways of thinking and being have gotten you exactly where you are right now. If you're really rich and really happy, fine. But if you're not, I'd invite you to consider some possibilities that may not fit into what you 'think' is right.
One of my favorite stories is a perfect example of how most people search for answers in life, but when the answers don't fit with their old ways of thinking they simply ignore them and continue searching.
A man who is walking along a cliff all of a sudden loses his balance, slips and falls off, but he has the presence of mind to grab on to the ledge. He's hanging there for dear life. He's hanging and hanging and finally calls out, 'Is there anybody up there that can help me? There's no answer. He keeps calling and calling and finally this big bellowing voice calls back, 'This is God. I can help you. Just let go and trust.' Next thing you hear, 'Is there anybody else up there that can help me?'
Whether it's by 'learning' or 'unlearning', if you're ready to develop a 'millionaire mind' and move quickly towards true wealth and happiness in your life, then read on.
Why many people tend to 'blow up' their successes.
The meaning and power of the acronym 'TFAR'.
Why not having enough money is never, ever a problem.
I explained earlier that people exposed to the same "outer world" wealth creation tools produce different results. When I began to add processes to help people develop their "inner world," the way they think and feel about wealth, virtually everyone's results went through the roof.
I want to challenge you with an idea:
If you're really rich and really happy, fine. But if you're not, I'd invite you to consider some possibilities that may not fit into what you "think" is right.
I once saw a multi-millionaire do a demonstration that changed my life.
The man held two deflated balloons, one substantially larger than the other. He explained that in this demonstration "air" represented money and each balloon represented a different person. He then proceeded to blow up (put money into) the smaller balloon (person). He maxed it out at about 6 inches.
He then blew air, (money) into the larger balloon (person) and maxed it out at about 12 inches. He then asked, "What's the difference between these two "people"? The obvious answer was that "the bigger balloon (person) can hold a lot more air (money) than the smaller balloon (person) without busting.
This demonstration hit me right between the eyes. I had just "blown up" my fourth business in a row and was in the midst of looking for a new "right" opportunity. Once again, I was searching outside myself for the answer. I had never even considered that maybe "I" was part of the problem.
The lesson was clear: "your wealth can only grow to the extent you do!"
If you keep putting more 'money' into a small 'person', they will quickly go bust! I got it and then could barely look at myself in the mirror for a week!
Have you heard of people who have "blown up" financially? Who have had big money and lost it? Or have had sweet opportunities go sour on them?
Now you know the real cause. On the outside it looks like bad luck, a downturn in economy, a lousy partner, whatever...
On the inside, however, it's a whole other situation. If you do come into some big money, when you're not ready on the inside, your wealth will be short-lived. Chances are good you will lose it.
Most people do not have the "internal capacity" to create, hold and manage, large amounts of money and success and the increased challenges that go with it. That's the primary reason they don't have it.
"The Roots Create The Fruits"
Imagine a tree. Let's suppose this tree represents the tree of life. On this tree there are fruits. In real life our fruits are called our results. So we look at the fruits (our results) and we don't like them. We think there's not enough of them or they're too small or they don't taste good.
So what do we do? Most of us put even more attention and focus on the fruits; our results. But what is it that actually creates those particular fruits? It's the seeds and the roots that create those fruits. It's what's under the ground that creates what's above the ground. It's the invisible that creates the visible. Meaning that if you want to change the fruits, you will first have to change the roots.
In order to change your roots, let me introduce you to a very important formula. This formula is so critical that understanding it can change your life! It is called the Process of Manifestation:
T-> F-> A-> R Thoughts, Feelings, Actions, Results
Thoughts lead to Feelings.
Feelings lead to Actions.
Actions lead to Results.
If you want to change your results, your "Fruits", your will need to change your thoughts, your "roots."
This will help you understand why...
Not having enough money is a RESULT! If a problem exists, it's in your thinking and how that thinking manifests through feelings and actions to produce your results.
I'm known for saying "Give me five minutes and I can predict your financial future for the rest of your life."
How? In a short conversation, I can identify what's called your money and success "blueprint." Each of us has a personal money and success blueprint already ingrained in our subconscious mind and this blueprint will determine your financial destiny.
So what is a blueprint? Consider the blueprint for a house. The blueprint is a preset plan or design for that particular home.
In the same way, your "money blueprint" is simply a preset program or way of being in relation to money. And through the TFAR formula, your blueprint manifests your financial reality.
In the next installment of the Secret Psychology of Wealth newsletter, we'll look in more depth into the following topics:
How your Money Blueprint is formed.
What the 3 primary methods of conditioning are.
What is your Money Blueprint set for?
We discovered that people have a subconscious capacity for financial success which often results in their "blowing" wealth or wealth building opportunities: in short, your wealth can only "grow" to the extent that you do.
Further, we discovered the LAW OF MANIFESTATION and the acronym, TFAR, which means that your Thoughts (core beliefs - subconscious) lead to Feelings which lead to Actions which produce your Results. And naturally from this we can see that a lack of money is never a "problem," it's a result of conditioned and largely automatic thinking.
This carries us to today's topic which will help you determine the source of your subconscious thoughts, namely your personal money and success blueprint.
As I mentioned last week, your "money blueprint' is simply a preset program or way of being in relation to money.
Your financial blueprint consists of your thoughts, feelings and actions in the arena of money. Notice that these are based in your "inner" world, and that they lead to your results, which are based in your outer world.
So how do you get your money blueprint? The answer is simple.
Your financial blueprint consists primarily of the "programming" you received in your past, especially as a young child.
Who were the primary sources of this conditioning? They were parents, siblings, friends, authority figures, teachers, religious leaders, media, and your culture to name a few. Take culture. Isn't it true that certain cultures have a certain way of thinking and dealing with money while in other cultures it's completely different?
Do you think a child comes out of the womb with those ways of being? No. The child is "taught" how to think about and act in relation to money. The same holds true for you. You were "taught" how to think about and handle money, whether you realized it at the time or not. Then you take this conditioning with you and run on it for the rest of your life.
Verbal programming; what you "heard" when you were young.
Modeling; what you "saw" when you were young.
Specific Incidents: what you "experienced" when you were young.
Lets begin with "verbal" programming. What did you hear about money, wealth and rich people when you were growing up?
Did you ever hear phrases like:
Money is the root of all evil.
Save your money for a rainy day.
Rich people are greedy.
You have to work hard to make money.
Money doesn't grow on trees.
You can't be rich and spiritual.
What am I made of.... money?
Money doesn't buy happiness.
Money talks.
The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
That's not for people like us.
And the "infamous"... we can't afford it.
Most statements like these that you heard when you were young, are still with you in your subconscious mind and are running your financial life.
An example of the power of verbal conditioning came at the expense of one of our seminar participants. Stephen never had a problem "earning" money, His challenge was "keeping" it. At the time he came to the course he was earning over $800,000 a year and had been doing so for the past 9 years.
Yet he was still barely scraping by. Somehow he would manage to spend it, lend it or lose all his money by making poor investments. Regardless of why, his net worth was exactly zero!
At the "Millionaire Mind Intensive" he shared that when he was growing up, his mom used to always say, "Rich people are greedy. They make their money off the sweat of the poor. You should have just enough to get by. After that you're being a pig."
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what is going on inside Stephen's subconscious mind. It's no wonder he's broke.
He was verbally conditioned to believe that rich people are greedy. Therefore, his mind linked up "rich" and greedy or "bad."
Since he doesn't want to be "bad," subconsciously he can't be rich.
But he loves his mom very much and doesn't want her to disapprove of him. Obviously, based on her beliefs, if he got rich she wouldn't approve. Therefore the only thing to do was to get rid of any excess money!
Now you would think that in choosing between being rich or being approved of, most people would take rich. Not a chance! The mind just doesn't work that way. Sure it's logical. But in a choice between logic and emotion, emotion just about always wins.
Anyway, back to our story. In less than 10 minutes at the course, using several extremely effective processes, we completely rewired the money files in Stephen's mind. In only two years, he went from being broke to being a millionaire.
The second way we are conditioned is called modeling. What were your parents or guardians like in the arena of money when you were growing up? Did one or both of them manage their money well or did they mismanage it; were they spenders or savers; were they shrewd investors or non-investors; did money come easily in your family or was it a struggle; was money a source of joy in your household or the cause of bitter arguments?
Why is all this important? Have you heard the saying "monkey see monkey do?" Well, humans aren't far behind. As kids, we learn just about everything by modeling.
Although most of us would hate to admit it, as the old saying goes, "The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree."
It reminds me of a story about a woman who prepares a ham for dinner by cutting off both ends. Her bewildered husband asks why she cuts off the ends. She replies, "That's how my mom cooked it." Well it just so happened that her mom was coming for dinner that night. So they asked mom why she cut off the ends of the ham. Mom replies, "That's how my mom cooked it." So they decide to call grandma on the phone and ask why she cut off the ends of the ham. Her answer? "Because my pan was too small!"
The third primary way we are conditioned is by specific incidents. What did you experience when you were young around money, wealth, and rich people. These experiences are extremely important because they shape the beliefs or I should say, illusions, you now live by.
For example, we had a woman who was an operating room nurse, attend one of our Millionaire Mind Intensives. She made an excellent income but shared that somehow she always spent all of her money. When we dug a little deeper, she revealed that when she was eleven years old, she remembers being at a Chinese food restaurant with her parents and her sister. Her mom and dad were having a bitter argument about money, (as usual). Her dad was standing up, screaming and hitting his fist on the table. She remembers him turning red, then blue, then falling to the floor with a heart attack. She was on the swim team and had CPR training which she administered, but to no avail. Her father died in her arms.
And so from that day forth she linked money and pain. It's no wonder then, as an adult, she gets rid of all her money to try and get rid of her pain.
It's also interesting to note that she was a nurse. The reason why? She was still trying to save her dad!
At the course, we performed a little of our magic on her and today she's well on the way to becoming financially free. She's also not a nurse any more. Not that she didn't enjoy it. Just that she was doing it for the wrong reason. Instead, she's now a financial planner, helping people, one on one, understand how their past programming runs every aspect of their lives.
So now for the million dollar question. What is your current money and success blueprint subconsciously set for? Are you set for success, mediocrity or for financial failure? Are you programmed for struggle or ease around money? Are you set for working hard for your money or being in balance?
Are you conditioned for having a consistent or inconsistent income; first you have it, then you don't, then you have it, then you don't. It might appear as though the reasons for these drastic fluctuations come from the outside world as in, "I got a great paying job but then the company folded, then I started my own business and things were booming but the market dried up, my next business was doing great but then my partner left," etc, etc, etc. I've said it before and I'll say it again, regardless of how things appear on the outside, everything that happens in your physical reality, comes from the "inside." Inconsistent income is nothing more than a conditioned program.
So how can you tell what your personal money and success blueprint is set for? One of the simplest ways is to look at your results. Look at the "fruits;" that will tell you what "roots" have been planted.
Look at your bank account. Look at your income. Look at your net worth. Look at your consistency. Look at whether you're a spender or a saver. Look at your success with investments. Look at your business success. Look at your relationships that involve money. Is money a struggle? Do you work hard for your money? Do you own a business or do you have a job? Do you stick with one thing for a long time or do you jump around a lot?
Your blueprint is like a thermostat. If the temperature in the room is 72 degrees, chances are good the thermostat is set for 72!
Fortunately or unfortunately, your personal money and success blueprint will tend to stay with you for rest of your life, unless you identify it and change it.
If you're sincerely INTERESTED IN RECONDITIONING YOURSELF FOR AUTOMATIC SUCCESS, that's exactly what we do in our Millionaire Mind Intensive workshop.
At this program we actually identify your personal money and success blueprint and using several extremely powerful processes we change your blueprint right on the spot. This event has transformed the lives of thousands of people and it can easily change your life too.
Most of what we've done so far is lay the groundwork for your understanding of the mechanics of wealth. Next is where the "rubber hits the road" and you'll discover the following:
How to become Successful Automatically.
Discover the importance of Rich Thinking.
Practice thinking Rich.
We discussed the fact that your Money Blueprint is created largely during childhood and represents the basic behavioral programming you took on during that time. We also talked about the three major ways you were conditioned: Verbal programming, by Modelling, and through Specific Incidences.
From that point it becomes easy to see that your present financial conditions are the perfect barometer for determining your present conditioning. You're programmed to automatically achieve exactly what you've got now. If that's a lot--great; if not…well that can be changed.
Which leads us to today's first topic:
Becoming automatically successful means changing your present programming which may not be set for success and replacing it with programming that is. If you're set to struggle for wealth because you are programmed to believe wealth only comes from struggle and hard work, you can then change your beliefs to make money "easy," to make yourself a "money & success magnet."
But before you can change your programming you need to become self "aware." The first element of all change is "awareness." Become "conscious." Watch yourself. Observe your thoughts, your beliefs, your fears, your habits, your actions, your inactions. Put yourself under a microscope. Study yourself.
It's funny. As intelligent human beings we think that we live our lives based on "choice." This is not usually the case. If we are truly enlightened we might make a few present moment choices during the average day, but for the most part, we're like robots, running on automatic, ruled by our past conditioning and old habits.
That's where awareness, or consciousness, comes in. Consciousness is observing yourself and your thought processes so you can live from true choice in the present moment rather than programming from the past. So you can live from who you are today rather than who you were yesterday. So you can respond wisely to situations rather than react wildly.
Once you are "conscious" you can see your programming for what it is; simply a recording of information you received and believed in the past, when you were too young to know any better. You can see that this conditioning is not who you are but who you "learned" to be.
You can see that you are not the "recording" but the "recorder." You are not the "contents" in the glass, but the "glass" itself. You can see that you started off "empty", with a clean slate, and were filled up with other people's beliefs.
Again, beliefs are not true or false or right or wrong, they are merely opinions that have been passed down from generation to generation to you. Knowing this, you can choose to release any thought, belief or way of being that is not supportive to your wealth and replace it with one that is.
You can adopt new beliefs; rich beliefs. Remember, thoughts lead to feelings which lead to actions which lead to results. You can choose to think and act like rich people do and therefore create the results that rich people create.
Rich people have a way of thinking that is different from poor and middle class people. They think differently about money, wealth, themselves, other people, and life. We're going to examine some of the differences between how rich people think and how poor or middle class people think.
By doing so, you will have some alternative beliefs in the files of your mind from which to choose. In this way, you can catch yourself thinking as poor people do and quickly switch over to how rich people think. Remember, beliefs are not right, wrong, true or false, they're just past opinions which can be changed on your command. The fact is, you can CHOOSE to think in ways that will support you instead of ways that don't.
A few caveats: first, in no way, shape or form do I mean to degrade poor people or be without compassion for their position. I do not believe rich people are "better" than the poor, they're just richer. At the same time, I want to make certain you get the most from this so I'm going to make the distinctions between the rich and poor as extreme as possible.
Second, when I refer to rich, poor and middle class "people" what I am referring to is their "mentalities"; how they think and how they act.
Third, I will be generalizing "big time." I understand not "all" rich and not "all" poor people are the way I'm describing them. Again, my objective is to make sure you understand the principles being taught here. Don't bother figuring out whether you agree or disagree with every word. Just use what pertains to you. (My guess is it's more than you might want to admit.)
Fourth, for the most part, I will not be referring to the "middle class" specifically. The reason for this is that usually middle class people have somewhat of a mix of both the rich and poor mentalities. Again, just see where you fit in on the scale and if you want to create a lot more financial success, think more like the "rich."
Fifth, several of the principles in this section appear to have more to do with habits and actions than ways of thinking. Remember the process of manifestation, which states that our actions come from our feelings which come from our thoughts. Therefore, every "rich" action is preceded by a "rich" way of thinking.
Sixth, each "rich" way of thinking will be reinforced by a "Declaration" at the end of the section.
Declarations are simply statements you say aloud. They are extremely valuable because everything is energy and each declaration carries its own energy and vibrational frequency.
When you state the declaration aloud, its energy vibrates through your body and into your "being". This is a way you can transform your cells of memory, your conditioning, your beliefs, and eventually your habits and actions.
State your declaration each morning and evening. Declaring into a mirror will accelerate the process.
I understand you might perceive "Declarations" to be a bit "hokey". Maybe so, but they work. Regardless, I'd rather be "hokey and rich" than "cool and broke". How about you?
Finally, the concepts you are about to learn are simple but profound. They make real changes for real people in the real world. How do I know? We get thousands of letters and emails each year telling us how each and every one of these principles has transformed people's lives. If you learn them, and use them, they will transform your life too.
So here's an opportunity to Think Rich right now. Say the following Declaration out loud to yourself (into a mirror is ideal):
So how did you do? Did you say the declaration out loud? Did you embrace it as a new idea worthy of your consideration? Or did you decide to continue reading and ignore the practice as being "not for me?"
Naturally, saying declarations alone is not sufficient to totally replace your current programming, but it's a valuable step. More importantly, your willingness to embrace this time tested and proven process is the key to your general willingness to embrace any changes that will help you achieve what you truly deserve--unlimited abundance!
In the next Secret Psychology of Wealth we will be looking at 3 specific ways in which the rich think differently than the poor. In fact, as a head start, below are the three declarations we will conclude with next week:
I create the exact amount of my wealth!
My goal is to create extreme wealth and abundance!
I commit to being rich!
Today I will explain three more "rich" ways of thinking and will conclude each with one of the following Declarations:
I think big! I choose to serve a massive amount of people!
I am bigger than any problem.
I see the opportunities in everything.
We introduced three primary ways that the rich think differently than the poor. And to begin the process of manifesting change in your life I offered you three "Attitudes of Wealth" affirmations to say daily.
In brief I pointed out that rich people take complete responsibility for their lives. They understand that they're not victims but are in fact the architects of their own failure and success.
Secondly, we revealed that rich people "play" the money "game" to win while the poor generally play the money game "not to lose." The poor generally are focused on just paying the bills, having a few "comforts" and getting by month to month. So that's what the universe continues to send them, just enough to get by.
Finally, we clarified that rich people are committed to being rich and that is why they manifest wealth. Unless you are committed both consciously and unconsciously to achieving wealth, you will experience real world results which reflect your degree of commitment.
So, are you ready to round this series off with three more insights into the Millionaire Mind? Lets go!
RICH PEOPLE THINK BIG.Poor people think small.
We once had a trainer teaching at one of our seminars who went from a net worth of $250 thousand to over $600 million in only 3 years. When asked his secret he said, "Everything changed the day I began to think big."
In my book, SpeedWealth, I discuss the "Law of Income" which states that "you will be paid in direct proportion to the value you deliver according to the market place."
Another way of understanding this is to answer the following question: How many people do you actually serve or affect?
For instance in my business, some trainers enjoy speaking to groups of 20, others are comfortable with 100, others like an audience of 500, still others want 5000 people or more in attendance. Is there is a difference in income between these trainers? You bet there is.
Who are you? How do you want to live your life? How do you want to play the game? Do you want to play in the big leagues or in little league, in the majors or the minors? Will you play big or play small? It's your choice.
The truth is most people choose to play small. Why?
First, fear. They're scared to death of either failure or success.
Second is unworthiness. They feel small. They don't feel they're good enough or important enough to make a big difference.
But hear this. It's not about you. It's about living your mission. It's about living true to your purpose. It's about adding your piece of the puzzle to the world. It's about serving others.
Most of us are so stuck in our egos that everything revolves around "me, me and more me." But again, it's not about you, it's about adding value to other people's lives.
Buckminster Fuller said, "The purpose of our lives is to add value to the people of this generation and those that follow."
The goal is to share your gifts and value with as many people as possible.
To paraphrase Nelson Mandela, "The world doesn't need more people, playing small."
It's your choice. One road leads to being broke and miserable, the other leads to money, meaning, and fulfillment.
It's time to stop hiding out and start stepping out. It's time to stop needing and start leading. It's time to start being the star that you are. It's time to share your gifts and value in a BIG way.
There could be thousands or even millions of people counting on you. Are you up to the challenge for our society and our children's sake? Let's hope so.
RICH PEOPLE ARE BIGGER THAN THEIR PROBLEMS.Poor people are smaller than their problems.
Getting rich is not a stroll in the park. It's a journey that is full of obstacles, twists, and detours. The simple fact is, success is messy. The road is fraught with pitfalls and that's why most people don't take it. They don't want the hassles, the headaches and the responsibilities. In short, they don't want the problems.
Therein lies one of the biggest differences between rich people and poor people. Rich and successful people are bigger than their problems while poor and unsuccessful people are smaller than their problems.
Poor people will do almost anything to avoid anything that looks like it could be a problem. They back away from challenges. The irony is that in their quest to make sure they don't have problems, they have the biggest problem of all... they're broke and miserable. The secret to success is not to try to avoid or shrink your problems; it's to grow yourself so you're bigger than any problem.
Imagine a "level 2" character person looking at a "level 5" problem. Would this problem appear to be big or small? The answer is that from a "level 2" perspective, a "level 5" problem would seem BIG.
Now imagine a "level 8" person looking at the same "level 5" problem. From this person's perspective, is this problem big or small? Magically the identical problem is now a SMALL problem.
And for a "level 10" person, it's NO problem at all. It's just an everyday occurrence, like getting dressed or brushing your teeth.
Whether you are rich or poor, playing big or playing small, problems do not go away. If you're breathing, you will always have so-called "problems."
What's important to realize is that the size of the problem is never the real issue. What matters is the size of you!
Remember, your wealth can only grow to the extent that you do! The idea is to grow yourself to a place where you can overcome any problems that get in your way of creating wealth and keeping it once you have it.
Rich people do not back away from problems, do not avoid problems and do not complain about problems. Rich people are financial warriors and when a warrior is confronted with a challenge they shout: BRING IT ON!
The bottom line is that if you become a master at handling problems, what can stop you from creating wealth? The answer is NOTHING!
RICH PEOPLE FOCUS ON OPPORTUNITIES.Poor people focus on problems.
Rich people see potential growth. Poor people see potential loss.
Rich people focus on the rewards. Poor people focus on the risks.
It's the age-old question, is the glass half empty or half full? We're not merely talking about "positive thinking" here, we're talking about a habitual way of seeing the world.
Poor people come from fear. Their minds are constantly scanning for what's wrong or what could go wrong in any situation. Their primary mindset is "What if it doesn't work?" or, more bluntly, "It won't work."
Rich people, as we discussed earlier, take responsibility for creating their life and come from the mindset, "It will work because I'll make it work."
In the financial world, as in most other arenas, risk is directly proportionate to reward; generally, the higher the reward, the higher the risk. People with rich mentalities are willing to take that risk.
Rich people expect to succeed. They have confidence in their abilities, they have confidence in their creativity and they believe that should the "doo-doo hit the fan", they can always make their money back or succeed in another way.
On the other hand, poor people expect to fail. They lack confidence in themselves and in their abilities, and should things not work out, they believe it would be catastrophic.
I hate to admit it, but I believe there's also a certain element of "luck" associated with getting rich or for that matter being successful at anything.
How many times have you heard of a guy who plops some money down on a piece of land in the "boonies" and 10 years later, somebody decides they want to build a strip mall or office building on it?
So, was this a brilliant business move or sheer luck? My guess is that it's probably a bit of both.
The point, however, is that no luck or for that matter, anything else worthwhile, will come your way unless you take some form of ACTION.
You have to do something, buy something, or start something in order to succeed financially. You have to see opportunities for profit all around you instead of focusing on ways of losing money.
In Part 5 of this series I explained a universal law which states, "whatever you focus on expands". Focus on problems and that's all you'll get. Focus on opportunities and you will soon discover them everywhere you look!
I hope you have enjoyed this introduction to the Secret Psychology of Wealth. We've covered a lot of ground.
However, this should only be the beginning for you.
This would be an excellent time to review the previous emails. You will find a great deal more on a second pass than on the first read through.
However, unlike in my soon to be released book, because of the format of these emails I have not gone into the depth on any topic that I feel it deserves.
I suspect you can see that having a weakness in even one of these rich attitudes can be your financial "Achilles" heel. The same holds true for the other rich ways of thinking I reveal in my book.

Sabtu, 31 Mei 2008

Your Future Is In Your Mind and Mouth

Whether you realize it or not you have a powerful control over your future. It is literally in your own hands -- or should I say your own mind and mouth. And it is all by God's design.

I could go on and on building up to this and give you all kinds of background information, but I've got a lot to do today, so let's get to the point.

What you keep saying with your mouth over and over is what you are presently holding in your mind. What you hold in your mind and say with your mouth WILL be YOUR reality. I say YOUR reality, because it is not the ONLY reality.

If you hold in your mind and say with your mouth something different -- that will be your NEW reality.

For example, some people say "I can't lose weight. Nothing I do works, there is no use trying to lose weight, it just doesn't work for me. Every time I don't eat I get a headache and every time I exercise I get sore, this is just not going to work for me."
Now you can substitute any topic you want in there -- having money, finding a mate, getting a better job, whatever.

If this is what you think about most of the time and what you are constantly saying everything in the universe is working to fulfill your words. A day after day you find more and more evidence to prove you right, so you say to yourself, "See, I told you, I can't do this."

Now, some will say that they don't want it to be that way and that may be true mentally or intellectually but if your heart and mind are still dwelling on that belief you have no other option than to receive it.

If someone says, "I can't afford a new car" event after event will prove them right because that's what they are looking for. And yet the other outcome is just as available. State what you desire and start looking for the results and they will start coming your way.

But don't be like the man who decided to try this because he had a small mountain in front of his home that blocked his view of the ocean. So he read in the bible that he could cast the mountain into the sea, and that night he prayed for it to happen. Then the next morning he opened his front door and the mountain was still there and he yelled out, "I knew it, this stuff doesn't work!" He may have changed his words, but he never changed his mind.

Pick the future you desire first, then set your heart, mind AND mouth to that end.

By Duke Clarke

If You Don't Focus On These Areas, You Will Never Be Happy Or Fulfilled In Life

When we analyze this life, we realize that there are only a few things in life that truly matter. There are only six areas in life where we can focus on and expect to have happy and fulfilling lives. Unfortunately though, the most important things are usually the most neglected; drowned out in a sea of a lot of meaningless things. Consider this a timely reminder to kick the noise out of your life and focus on that which is truly meaningful.

The Areas that Truly Matter

In this life, six areas come up time and time again as areas which have the highest impact on the quality of life:

1) Health and taking care of your temple: you body

2) Emotional health: How healthy is your emotional life? Do your emotions work in your favor or against it?

3) Relationships: How do you relate to your spouse? Your family and friends? How about people you don't know. Do you have mutually nurturing relationships with all people? Are you a leech?

4) Purpose in life: Do you have a reason to get up in the morning? Is there some destination higher than the day to day details and minutia? Are you moving towards it or away from it?

5) Your spirit: What is your bond to the deepest part of yourself? How do you understand the spirit and the soul? Do you feel connected to your Creator? Is your spirit a blessing or a curse upon this Earth?

6) Environmental Impact: Are you leaving this world better than you found it or leaving a debt for future generations? Are you steward of nature or a destroyer of lands?

By Tony Chomba Mwangi Njanja

Selasa, 20 Mei 2008

Jadi Pengusaha Tidak Harus Pintar

Sosok Purdi E. Chandra (45) kini dikenal sebagai pengusaha yang sukses. Lembaga Bimbingan Belajar (Bimbel) Primagama yang didirikannya bahkan masuk ke Museum Rekor Indonesia (MURI) lantaran memiliki hampir 400 cabang di 96 kota besar di Indonesia dengan 100 ribu siswa tiap tahun. Apa resep suksesnya sehingga Primagama kini menjadi sebuah holding company yang membawahi lebih dari 20 anak perusahaan? Purdi membeberkannya dalam wawancaranya dengan Ummi.
Lewat Bimbingan Belajar Primagama, Purdi berhasil menjadi pengusaha sukses. Untuk meraih impiannya Purdi berhenti kuliah. Akhirnya ia berhasil juga mendapatkan gelar dari lembaga pendidikan yang dibentuknya sendiri.
Lego Motor, Berhenti KuliahBukan suatu kebetulan jika pengusaha sukses identik dengan kenekatan mereka untuk berhenti sekolah atau kuliah. Seorang pengusaha sukses tidak ditentukan gelar sama sekali. Inilah yang dipercaya Purdi ketika baru membangun usahanya.
Kuliah di 4 jurusan yang berbeda, Psikologi, Elektro, Sastra Inggris dan Farmasi di Universitas Gajah Mada (UGM) dan IKIP Yogya membuktikan kecemerlangan otak Purdi. Hanya saja ia merasa tidak mendapatkan apa-apa dengan pola kuliah yang menurutnya membosankan. Ia yakin, gagal meraih gelar sarjana bukan berarti gagal meraih cita-cita. Purdi muda yang penuh cita–cita dan idealisme ini pun nekad meninggalkan bangku kuliah dan mulai serius untuk berbisnis.
Sejak saat itu pria kelahiran Punggur, Lampung Tengah ini mulai menajamkan intuisi bisnisnya. Dia melihat tingginya antusiasme siswa SMA yang ingin masuk perguruan tinggi negeri yang punya nama, seperti UGM.
Bagaimana jika mereka dibantu untuk memecahkan soal-soal ujian masuk perguruan tinggi, pikirnya waktu itu. Purdi lalu mendapatkan ide untuk mendirikan bimbingan belajar yang diberi nama, Primagama.
“Saya mulai usaha sejak tahun 1982. Mungkin karena nggak selesai kuliah itu yang memotivasi saya menjadi pengusaha,” kisah Purdi. Lalu, dengan modal hasil melego motornya seharga 300 ribu rupiah, ia mendirikan Bimbel Primagama dengan menyewa tempat kecil dan disekat menjadi dua. Muridnya hanya 2 orang. Itu pun tetangga. Biaya les cuma 50 ribu untuk dua bulan. Kalau tidak ada les maka uangnya bisa dikembalikan.
Segala upaya dilakukan Purdi untuk membangun usahanya. Dua tahu setelah itu nama Primagama mulai dikenal. Muridnya bertambah banyak. Setelah sukses, banyak yang meniru nama Primagama. Purdi pun berinovasi untuk meningkatkan mutu lembaga pendidikannya ini.
“Sebenarnya yang bikin Primagama maju itu setelah ada program jaminan diri,” ungkapnya soal rahasia sukses mengembangkan Bimbel Primagama. ”Kalau ikut Primagama pasti diterima di Universitas Negeri. Kalau nggak uang kembali. Nah, supaya diterima murid-murid yang pinter kita angkat jadi pengajar. Karena yang ngebimbing pinter, ya 90% bisa lulus ujian masuk perguruan tinggi negeri,” lanjutnya.
Mengembangkan Sistem WaralabaKarena reputasinya Bimbel Primagama makin dikenal di Kota Pelajar, Yogya. Purdi tak cepat berpuas diri. Ia ingin mengembangkan cabang Primagama di kota lain. Mulailah cabang-cabang Primagama bermunculan di Bandung, Jakarta dan kota besar lain di Indonesia.
Purdi juga berinovasi mengembangkan sistem franchise atau waralaba (pemberian hak pada seseorang dalam penggunaan merek untuk menjalankan usaha dalam kurun waktu tertentu). Di Pekanbaru, Sampit (Kalimantan Tengah) dan Tangerang telah dibuka cabang dengan sistem ini. Menurutnya sistem ini sangat tepat untuk dikembangkan sebab usaha bisa berkembang tanpa harus menyiapkan dana sendiri.
“Sistem ini lebih menguntungkan untuk mengembangkan usaha kita daripada cara yang lainnya. Selain tak perlu merogoh kocek untuk investasi lagi ternyata keuntungan sebagai pemilik merek cukup besar. Yang jelas orang lain membayar merek dan royalti tiap bulannya pada kita,” jelas ayah dari Fesha dan Zidan ini.
Purdi yakin merek lokal bisa berkembang dengan sistem ini dan bukan terbatas pada produk makanan saja. Jika merek lokal bisa masuk bisnis waralaba bukan tidak mungkin akan menjadi produk ini bisa jadi produk global seperti McDonald. Namun ia menyayangkan di Indonesia belum ada lembaga yang menyiapkan sistem waralaba mulai dari persiapan awal hingga jadi.
Pengusaha Yang beraniKeberanian adalah salah modal wirausaha. Purdi menyatakan seorang wirausaha harus berani mimpi, berani mencoba, berani merantau, berani gagal dan berani sukses. Lima hal ini adalah hasil dari pengalamannya selama ini.
Sejak dini Purdi sudah dididik berjiwa usaha. Di bangku SMP ia sudah beternak ayam dan bebek, kemudian menjual telurnya ke pasar. Purdi bermimpi kelak ia akan menjadi pengusaha sukses.
Berani mimpi menurut Purdi adalah cetak biru dari sebuah visi ke depan seorang wirausaha. Mimpi itu akan mensugesti seseorang untuk berhasil dan mengerahkan semua kemampuannya untuk mencapai visinya. Mimpi ini pula akan memotivasi bawahannya dan menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang lebih dinamis.
Orang yang memiliki mimpi besar dicontohkan Purdi adalah Bill Gates yang bermimpi kelak di semua rumah di dunia akan memiliki computer. Atau juga Michael Dell yang bermimpi mengalahkan perusahaan komputer raksasa IBM. Mereka ini menurut Purdi orang yang yakin mimpinya akan jadi kenyataan dengan kerja keras.
“Orang itu tidak pernah gagal, hanya saja dia berhenti mencoba,” tukas pria yang mendapatkan gelar dari lembaga pendidikan yang dibentuknya sendiri. Purdi mengingatkan jika seorang ingin berhasil dalam bisnis harus berani mencoba. Situasi sulit justru membuat seorang wirausaha semakin tertantang.
Soal merantau, Purdi muda sudah berani meninggalkan kota kelahirannya dan mencoba mandiri dengan bersekolah di salah satu SMA di Yogyakarta. Ibunya, Siti Wasingah dan ayahnya, Mujiyono, merestui keinginan kuat anaknya untuk mandiri. Dengan merantau Purdi merasa tidak tergantung dan bisa melihat berbagai kelemahan yang dia miliki. Pelan-pelan berbagai kelemahan itu diperbaiki oleh Purdi. Hasilnya, Ia mengaku semakin percaya diri dan tahan banting dalam setiap langkah dalam bisnisnya.
Gagal dan berhasil ada dua sisi mata uang yang tak terpisahkan. Namun, bagaimana menyikapi sebuah kegagalan itu yang penting. Baginya, pengalaman gagal dapat dipergunakan untuk menemukan kekuatan baru agar bisa meraih kesuksesan kembali.
“Mungkin saja kegagalan itu datang untuk memuliakan hati kita, membersihkan pikiran kita, memperluas wawasan kita, membersihkan pikiran kita dari keangkuhan dan kepicikan, serta untuk lebih mendekatkan diri kita pada Tuhan,” kata pria yang mengaku pernah 10 kali gagal saat membuat restoran Padang.
BODOL, BOTOL dan BOBOLPurdi mengaku punya resep manjur bagi yang ingin berwirausaha, yaitu BODOL, BOTOL dan BOBOL. Mungkin masih kedengaran aneh di telinga, namun ia meyakinkan bahwa resep ini berguna bagi yang merasa ragu-ragu dan terlalu banyak perhitungan dalam berusaha yang malah menghambat rencana mereka untuk berwirausaha.
Jika orang bingung ketika memulai bisnis karena tak punya modal, menurut Purdi gunakan saja resep BODOL yaitu Berani, Optimis, Duit, Orang Lain. Dalam bisnis diperlukan keberanian dan rasa optimis. Jika tidak punya uang tidak ada salahnya pinjam duit orang lain. Pasti ada orang yang mau membiayai bisnis yang akan kita jalankan jika memang prospektif.
“Kalau kita punya duit dan modal tapi tidak ahli di bidang bisnis, gunakan jurus BOTOL,” tukas Purdi. Berani, Optimis, Tenaga, Orang Lain. Jika kita punya modal, kenapa tidak kita serahkan pada yang ahli di bidangnya sehingga bisnis tetap berjalan. Pendeknya kita tak harus menggunakan tenaga sendiri untuk menjalankan bisnis.
Resep terakhir adalah jurus BOBOL. yaitu Berani, Optimis, Bisnis, Orang, Lain. Ini dikeluarkan jika ide bisnis pun tak ada maka kita bisa meniru bisnis orang lain tambah Purdi. Ibaratnya, bisnis adalah seperti masuk ke kamar mandi yaitu dengan tidak banyak berpikir. Jika di kamar mandi airnya kurang hangat, semua bisa diatur hingga sesuai dengan keinginan kita.
Enterpreuner University, Kuliah Tanpa GelarSemua orang bisa jadi wirausahawan, ucap suami Triningsih Kusuma Astuti ini yakin. Memang yang paling baik ditanamkan pendidikan enterpreuner ini sejak kanak-kanak di dalam keluarga. Sebab, anak akan merekan semuanya dalam memorinya dan selanjutnya akan menjadi pola pikir dan cara perilaku anak di masa depannya. “Namun, itu bukanlah hal-hal penentu keberhasilan. Begitu pula dengan faktor usia, kaya-miskin, jenius atau tidak, juga gelar formal,” kata pria yang juga menjadi dosen tamu di beberapa universitas ini.
Untuk menjadi pengusaha tak perlu pintar dan memiliki embel-embel gelar. Sebab jika terlalu pintar justru malah akan berhitung dan melihat banyak resiko yang harus dihadapi sehingga nyalinya malah ciut. “Bayangkan anda kuliah Magister Manajemen (MM) di UI anda harus bayar 50 juta. Selesai kuliah mungkin anda merasa tidak punya uang,” katanya lagi.
Keprihatinannya terhadap iklim bisnis di Indonesia menyebabkan Purdi harus melakukan sesuatu. Tampilah ia sebagai bagian dari politisi yang manggung di Senayan sampai tahun ini. Keinginannya adalah merubah pola pendidikan saat ini yang berorientasi menjadi pekerja bukan pengusaha. Seharusnya, menurut pria yang pernah menjadi ketua Himpunan Penguasaha Muda Indonesia (HIPMI) cabang Yogya ini, ada alternatif lain dalam sistem pendidikan kita. Paling tidak anak-anak diajarkan untuk berwira usaha. Sayangnya idenya tidak mendapat tanggapan.
“Saya merasa adanya universitas untuk mencetak pengusaha baru itu penting. Kalau perlu universitas ini tidak perlu menggunakan aturan formal, tanpa status,tanpa akreditasi, tanpa dosen, tanpa ijazah dan tanpa gelar. Wisudanya pun dilakukan saat mahasiswa benar-benar membuka usaha,” ujar pria yang menerima Enterprise 50 dari Anderson Consulting dan Majalah Swa ini serius.
Idenya ini diwujudkan dengan membentuk Enterpreuner University (EU). Dengan dibimbing langsung oleh Purdi, EU kini telah memiliki 37 angkatan. Di sana tak ada nilai, ijazah maupun gelar. Menurut Purdi masyarakatlah yang berhak menilai pengusaha itu memiliki kredibilitas atau tidak, sukses atau tidak. Hal ini berbeda dengan pendidikan yang memberlakukan ujian tapi tidak membolehkan siswanya mencontek.
“Dalam dunia riil bisnis, yang namanya bertanya sah-sah saja. Menyontek usaha orang lain juga boleh saja. Meniru kiat sukses pengusaha lain juga silahkan. Nggak ada yang melarang,” Purdi beralasan.
Di EU yang hanya memakan waktu 3 bulan dan kuliah seminggu 1 kali ini, Purdi mengkonsentrasikan pendidikannya pada pengembangan kecerdasan emosional, spiritual, mempertajam kreativitas dan intuisi bisnis mahasiswanya. Materinya pun seputar nilai-nilai kewirausahaan seperti pantang menyerah, kreatif dan inovatif, semangat tinggi, berani dan jeli melihat peluang usaha. Purdi yakin kelak EU akan mencetak pengusaha-pengusaha baru yang akan menggiatkan iklim investasi di Indonesia.
Sumber: Majalah Ummi Online

Selasa, 13 Mei 2008


Pada zaman sekarang ini , siapa saja bisa menjadi penulis dan penerbit sepenuh waktu di rumah dan memperoleh penghasilan sehingga lebih dari Rp100.000.000 setahun atau lebih dari Rp8.000.000 setiap bulan.
Anda bisa memulai perusahaan ini dalam waktu kurang lebih 2 minggu saja . Bidang penerbitan dan penulisan merupakan salah satu bidang usaha yang berprestasi yang bisa anda ceburi, dan anda akan mendapati bahwa beribu-ribu orang di seluruh dunia akan membaca ide dan pemikiran anda .

Anda mempunyai kekuasaan untuk mempengaruhi kehidupan orang lain dan anda akan memperoleh keuntungan yang banyak di dalam proses tersebut . Dengan teknologi terkini, Desktop publishing atau penerbitan meja akan menjadi satu cara yang tidak mustahil untuk dilakukan .

Teknologi komputer telah membolehkan kita untuk menjadi penulis dan menerbitkan buku-buku , panduan-panduan , resep masakan dengan cara yang lebih mudah serta biaya yang murah . Masalahnya ialah bukan bagaimana untuk mencetak atau menerbitkan buku tersebut tetapi yang paling penting ialah bagaimana untuk mengedarkannya !

Memasarkan Buku Anda

Salah satu cara untuk memudahkan pengedaran buku anda ialah dengan mengedarkannya sendiri . Apabila pasaran telah anda dapati, maka dengan mudah anda bisa mengedarkannya sendiri . Jika anda memasarkan buku anda dengan betul maka anda akan dapat menjual untuk selamanya .

Malah ia menjadikan anda bisa memperoleh penghasilan berjuta-juta rupiah setiap bulan . Dan setiap buku baru yang anda tulis akan menjadi satu sumber tambahan yan baru. Dan apabila anda telah dapat memulai usaha ini, ia sukar dihentikan walaupun anda mau berbuat demikian .

Bagaimana Saya Memulai Penerbitan Saya Dengan Modal Rp100.000

Pertama kali saya memulai bisnis dalam bidang penerbitan ini hanyalah dengan modal sebanyak Rp100.000 untuk membuat iklan kecil. Apa yang sangat menakjubkan ialah iklan dan penanaman modal yang kecil ini telah memberikan keuntungan sebanyak beberapa ratus ribu rupiah setiap bulan .

Memang tidak mencukupi untuk menyara hidup, tetapi setidak-tidaknya saya telah memperoleh penghasilan dengan usaha kecil itu saja . Saya terus menanamkan modal dari semua keuntungan yang saya perolehi di dalam beberapa iklan lain .

Hasilnya sehingga sekarang saya berhasil memperoleh penghasilan beberapa juta rupiah setiap bulan , malah jumlah ini jauh lebih besar dibandingkan penghasilan saya dimasa lalu di dalam bidang kerja yang pernah diceburi . Malah ada kalanya saya bisa memperoleh sehingga melebihi sejuta rupiah sehari ! Tidak mustahil anda juga mampu melakukannya sekiranya anda mengetahui rahasianya.

Satu Rahasia Yang Harus Anda Ketahui Untuk Sukses

Salah satu rahasianya ialah anda jangan mengikuti pasaran, tetapi biarlah pasaran yang akan mengikuti kehendak anda . Anda mungkin harus mengetahui dan memahami suatu pasaran , sebagai contoh anda harus mengambil perhatian khusus atau memfokuskan kepada apa yang khalayak ramai minati . Anda harus berani mengambil peduli apa yang sedang berlaku disekeliling anda.

Menukar ide Anda Menjadi Uang Jutaan Rupiah

Walaupun anda tidak tahu menulis, anda masih bisa menggunakan jasa orang lain untuk menulis bagi pihak anda . Anda hanya perlu mencari sesuatu topik atau tajuk saja . Saya bisa menunjukkan kepada anda cara untuk menulis sekalipun anda fikirkan bahwa anda tidak bisa . Anda bisa memiliki buku yang menarik sebagaimana yang terdapat di toko-toko buku dengan harga di bawah Rp3.000 sebuah .

Ia bisa dijual pada harga dari Rp40.000 – Rp90.000 sebuah . Sudah tentulah mereka tidak hanya membayar harga buku tersebut tetapi sebaliknya mereka membayar untuk mendapatkan informasi tersebut . Keuntungannya sangat menakjubkan dan sebab itulah ia mampu memberikan keuntungan yang besar dalam waktu yang singkat bila di bandingkan dengan usaha lain.

Sebgai penerbit mungkin sebagian besar waktu anda hanya digunakan untuk membuat penyelidikan saja . Dengan melakukan perkara ini, anda bukan saja akan memperoleh pelajaran dan ide baru, tetapi apa yang lebih penting kerja-kerja anda ini akan menghasilkan keuntungan yang amat lumayan sekali apabila anda mengedarkan dan menjualnya . Dengan kata lain anda akan dibayar sewaktu anda sedang belajar .

Bukan saja pengetahuan anda akan meningkat, malah rekening bank anda juga akan terus meningkat. Anda juga akan merasa gembira karena informasi/maklumat yang anda berikan itu akan memberikan keuntungan kepada ribuan orang . Ini hanyalah sebagian kecil usaha anda untuk memajukan dunia ini, dan anda mempunyai peluang untuk menjadi ‘SESEORANG ’. yang kebanyakan orang tidak tahu bagaimana untuk sampai ke tahap ini, tetapi anda bisa melakukannya .

Ia Seperti Satu Permainan

Anda perlu mengerti bahwa perusahaan ini bukan hanya untuk dilakukan sekali saja. Ia bisa dijalankan selama yang anda mau . Ia berfungsi dengan menggunakan formula tertentu . Apabila anda telah menemui kombinasi ini, anda hanya perlu meneruskannya dan terus mempromosikan atau anda bisa memberikan perusahaan ini kepada orang lain untuk menjalankannya dan anda hanya menerima royalti saja .

Kebebasan Keuangan Dengan Memiliki Perusahaan Penerbitan Sendiri

Untuk memperoleh penghasilan sebanyak Rp100.000.000 setahun, anda hanya perlu menjual sebanyak 41 buah buku seminggu yang berharga Rp50.000. Jika anda fikir anda mau dan bisa melakukannya, berarti anda sedang menuju kearah kesuksesan dan keuntungan besar didalam perusahaan penerbitan ini .

Jika dilakukan dengan benar anda bisa memperoleh lebih banyak darpada Rp100.000.000 setiap tahun . Saya sangat yakin, ia satu usaha yang mudah dan menyenangkan . Peluang penghasilannya tiada batasan . Jika anda mau mempelajari lebih mendalam lagi mengenai usaha seperti ini, anda bisa menghubungi ARMADA GLOBAL ENTERPRISE. Setiap pertanyaan anda akan dilayan dengan baik.

Sabtu, 10 Mei 2008


Tajuk diatas sangat menarik sekali. Ia merupakan satu rahasia bagaimana menjadikan uang anda berkembang dengan cepat dan aman tanpa perlu menanggung resiko apa-apa. Anda bisa menukarkan uang sebanyak Rp250.000 dan menjadikannya sehingga Rp15.000.000 dalam waktu 60 hari dengan menggunakan satu rahasia dan tehnik yang mudah dan menarik. Sistem ini merupakan satu pendekatan usaha yang mudah dimana anda tidak perlu menemui siapa pun.

Anda bisa bekerja dengan tenang dan leluasa di rumah tanpa ada gangguan. Anda hanya perlu menggunakan sedikit waktu saja untuk menjalankan usaha ini. Tiada sistem lain yang lebih menarik dan mudah daripada ini. Ia bukanlah satu perjudian atau pun satu penanaman modal dalam saham.


Anda hanya perlu mengeluarkan sejumlah uang yang dimaksudkan untuk membuat iklan di surat kabar atau majalah dan memberitahu orang bahwa anda mempunyai “sesuatu” yang bernilai dan sangat penting untuk mereka (pembaca). Sebagaimana yang kita ketahui, pembaca surat kabar dan majalah merupakan golongan pembaca yang bermacam-macam. Sebagian daripada mereka mungkin terdiri daripada golongan pelajar, remaja, golongan pekerja, pensiunan dan sebagainya. Tujuan mereka membaca surat kabar juga berlainan.

Ada yang suka membaca berita yang datang sewaktu-waktu, berita sensasi, perdagangan, mencari lowongan kerja, memiliki hobi, mencari peluang usaha, mencari peluang pinjaman uang dan bermacam-macam lagi kategori pembaca. Di sini terdapat ruang untuk mencari uang yang banyak setiap hari. Bagi mereka yang inovatif dan berfikiran kreatif sudah tentu akan dapat melihat berbagai peluang didalamnya. Anda bisa membuat iklan apa saja. Sama ada ia dalam bentuk jasa/pelayanan atau pun perusahaan biasa. Saya akan mengajar anda dan memberitahu “RAHASIA” untuk mendapatkan uang yang bayak daripada iklan ini.


Sejak beberapa tahun lalu saya telah menggunakan rahasia ini di mana pada waktu itu saya masih berada di luar negeri. Saya gagal dalam menjalankan usaha, tidak punya uang, dan banyak hutang. Saya telah menemui satu rahasia unik pada satu hari sewaktu saya sedang membaca majalah terbitan luar negeri. RAHASIANYA ialah : MENULIS, MENERBITKAN PANDUAN “BAGAIMANA UNTUK…” secara pos. Seperti panduan yang sedang anda baca ini, ia merupakan satu rahasia yang dapat membawa kesan kesuksesan dan kekayaan kepada anda jika digunakan dengan betul.

Saya tidak pernah memahami dan mengetahui apapun tentang penulisan, penerbitan dan periklanan. Malah saya tiada ijazah, diploma atau ijazah tertentu di dalam ketiga bidang ini. Sebaliknya saya hanyalah lulusan sekolah menengah atas (SLTA) saja dan memegang ijazah yang rendah yang mungkin tidak ada nilainya pada zaman sekarang. Dengan perasaan serba kekurangan saya mempelajari semua rahasia dan tehnik ini melalui sebuah buku yang saya beli melalui pesanan pos dari luar negeri yang bertajuk HOW TO MAKE MILLION WITH YOUR IDEAS yang di tulis oleh Dan S. Kennedy. Walaupun dulu tidak begitu memahaminya, tetapi sekarang saya sudah mahir dan berhasil memperoleh penghasilan yang sangat lumayan.

CARA MENJADIKAN Rp100.000 - Rp250.000

Apa yang perlu dilakukan untuk memperoleh penghasilan seperti di atas ialah dengan membuat usaha seperti yang telah diterangkan pada halaman yang sebelum ini. Anda mungkin perlu mengeluarkan uang sebanyak Rp100.000-Rp250.000 untuk membuat beberapa seri iklan (4-10).

Anda boleh membuat iklan sekali saja dulu, tetapi ia tidak begitu berkesan karena tidak banyak pembaca yang melihat iklan anda apalagi jika ia berukuran kecil. Kebanyakan pendatang baru dalam bidang ini menganggap hanya dengan membuat iklan sekali saja ia dapat menghasilkan penghasilan yang banyak dengan cepat.

Perkara seperti ini tidak akan berlaku, karena jika anda sering dilihat oleh orang, barulah mereka dapat mengenali anda dan yakin dengan anda. Itulah yang berlaku, mungkin anda juga akan mendapat surat pertanyaan yang agak banyak daripada pembaca iklan anda tetapi pada waktu yang sama mereka juga mengirim surat kepada berpuluh-puluh pengiklan yang lain.

Jadi jika anda menjual produk yang sama dengan orang lain pada harga yang berbeda-beda, ini bisa meragukan mereka. Atau pun pengiklan lain mempunyai produk dan cara penyampaian yang jauh lebih menyakinkan, maka anda akan ketinggalan.

Jika anda membuat iklan dengan harga Rp100.000 untuk 2 kali iklan (contoh) dan anda menjual produk dengan harga Rp20.000. Kemudian anda mendapat 15 pesanan, ini berarti anda mendapat Rp300.000 kemudian anda keluarkan semula uang tersebut untuk terus membuat iklan. Umpamanya selepas itu anda akan mendapat Rp1.200.000 maka anda perlu mengeluarkan lagi sebagian daripadanya.

Begitulah proses seterusnya sehingga anda bisa memperoleh penghasilan sehingga Rp15.000.000 dalam waktu 2 bulan ataupun 60 hari. Perkara ini telah saya lakukan, ia memang menarik dan menakjubkan sekali di bandingkan dengan cara lain untuk mencari uang. Sekarang mungkin giliran anda juga menikmati penghasilan sedemikian.


Anda dapat mencipta kesuksesan dan kekayaan dengan menjalankan usaha yang mudah di rumah tanpa perlu mengganggu karier asal anda sehingga merasa yakin jika anda mau berhenti kerja. Usaha seperti ini juga sangat sesuai dijalankan oleh para ibu rumah tangga atau para pensiunan. Anda bisa mempelajari sistem ini secara bertahap-tahap.


Anda bisa menghasilkan buku atau panduan mengenai tajuk apa saja dalam bentuk laporan mudah yang ditulis dalam beberapa halaman saja. Ia mungkin mengenai perkara yang anda sukai, hobi, karier, pelajaran, masakan dan sebagainya untuk mengisi “masa lapang” yang terbuang begitu saja. Apa yang perlu dilakukan ialah memberikan suatu tajuk yang menarik minat banyak orang yang akan membacanya. Contohnya seperti menanam bunga, anda bisa membuat tajuk begini “RAHASIA MEMPEROLEHI UANG LUMAYAN DIMASA LAPANG” Anda boleh menceritakan mengenai hobi menanam bunga dan menjual bunga, hobi menjahit dan mengambil upah menjahit baju, hobi memasak dan menjual resep atau menjual makanan.

Apa yang penting ialah fokuskan tentang tajuk apa saja, kemudian fikirkan bagaimana tajuk-tajuk tersebut dapat diolah supaya ia kelihatan seperti dapat menghasilkan uang, Bagi mereka yang berfikiran kreatif dan inovatif sudah tentu akan dapat memikirkan ide yang baik. Sebagaimana saya pernah melakukan diwaktu awal saya membabitkan diri dalam bidang ini.

Saya hanya menulis panduan sebanyak 4 halaman mengenai cara memperoleh uang menggunakan kamera. Caranya ialah saya mencari ide – ide tersebut didalam majalah dan buku-buku, kemudian saya terjemahkan dan olah semula. Anda bisa menulisnya dengan mesin tik biasa atau pun mengupah kawan-kawan anda yang memiliki komputer untuk menuliskannya.

Anda boleh menjual panduan anda dengan harga antara Rp5.000 hingga Rp20.000 sebuah kerana ia adalah hak anda. Anda boleh menjual laporan/panduan anda dengan membuat iklan di surat kabar dan majalah.


Banyak surat kabar dan majalah yang menyediakan ruangan iklan dengan mengenakan tarif yang terjangkau. Ia bisa menjadi satu peluang yang sangat menguntungkan sekali kepada anda. Mungkin anda hanya dikenakan harga di antara Rp50.000 hingga Rp80.000 untuk sekali terbitan, tetapi jika anda memiliki produk/laporan yang menarik maka ia akan lebih memudahkan usaha anda kelak.

Cara membuat iklan bisa anda pelajari sedikit demi sedikit, dimana dengan menggunakan proses ini secara terus-menerus ia akan menjadikan anda mahir dan menambah lagi pengetahuan anda nanti. Mungkin iklan anda yang pertama hanya berharga Rp50.000 –Rp100.000 dan daripadanya anda hanya mendapat keuntungan beberapa ratus ribu saja jika produk anda itu baik.

Selepas itu apa yang perlu dilakukan ialah mengeluarkan semula sebagian penghasilan anda untuk membuat iklan yang lebih besar atau membuat iklan di dalam beberapa penerbitan yang lain. Dengan cara itu anda akan memperoleh penghasilan yang lebih besar dan mungkin jumlahnya puluhan juta rupiah.

Jangan cepat merasa puas dengan usaha anda itu, untuk supaya berhasil di dalam bidang ini dan memperoleh penghasilan yang terus-menerus, anda harus membuat iklan secara terus-menerus. Kebanyakan usahawan yang menceburi bidang ini akan gagal jika mereka lekas merasa puas dan tidak mau membuat kajian serta tidak memperbaiki gaya dan cara mereka membuat iklan. Mereka hanya meniru atau menjiplak produk orang lain secara bulat-bulat.

Mungkin ada orang lain yang menjual produk yang sama tetapi dengan harga yang lebih murah maka penjualan anda bisa merosot, tetapi jika produk tersebut memang milik anda sepenuhnya, anda akan mempunyai banyak kelebihan.

Dengan membuat iklan yang terus-menerus dan konsisten, anda akan membuat kerja yang terus-menerus yang mana ia juga akan menghasilkan penghasilan yang tetap dan sangat lumayan.
KLIK : http://easy-milyuner.com


Selama kita merasa belum familiar dan takut memulai bisnis, biasanya yang timbul di pikiran kita adalah: “belajar!”. Pilihannya mungkin dengan jalan mengambil program S2 dan jadi seorang MBA, atau ikut sebanyak-banyaknya seminar dan pelatihan.Atau bisa juga dengan berguru dan mengabdi pada seorang begawan bisnis. Kira-kira, sudah selaraskah alur pemikiran yang sedemikian dengan apa yang terjadi pada kenyataannya? Mari kita telaah.Kebanyakan dari kita berbisnis karena ingin sukses, lalu menjadi kaya raya. Kita membayangkan, betapa enak dan hebatnya bila kita dapat sesukses dan sekaya Bill Gates atau Donald Trump. Menurut pandangan masyarakat pada umumnya, mereka itulah orang-orang sukses yang sebenar-benarnya. Merekalah sosok-sosok pebisnis yang prestasinya membuat banyak orang terobsesi. Maka tidak heran jika para pakar pun berusaha menyadap dan mempelajari segala hal yang ada pada orang-orang sukses itu, dengan harapan dapat mentransfer nilai-nilai kesuksesannya kepada orang-orang lain yang juga ingin menjadi figur sukses. Mereka berpendapat bahwa: “Leaders are made, not born”.Selanjutnya, segala sepak terjang yang dilakukan oleh para pebisnis tersebut, dikumpulkan, dipilah-pilah, lalu dianalisis. Dari analisis itu dibuat teori-teori. Hasilnya, muncullah berbagai teori kesuksesan yang terkemas dalam materi-materi “ilmu bisnis”, wacana profesionalisme, ilmu kepemimpinan (leadership), dan lain sebagainya. Orang-orang awam memang ingin sekali menemukan cara-cara yang bisa membantu mereka untuk secara cepat mencapai kesuksesan. Semacam rel kereta yang tinggal diikuti saja akan mengantar orang tiba di gerbang kejayaan. Namun demikian, apa benar kalau kita ingin menjadi figur sukses -- lebih spesifiknya pebisnis sukses -- harus menempuh perjalanan yang sarat dengan teori-teori kesuksesan seperti itu? Dari berbagai catatan yang ada, tampaknya tidak demikian. Banyak sepak-terjang yang dilakukan oleh para pemimpin bisnis dunia tidak mencerminkan bahwa kesuksesan mereka disebabkan pembelajaran yang sungguh-sungguh dalam ilmu bisnis, profesionalisme dan teori kepemimpinan. Tidak juga pengetahuan ekonomi, teori-teori tentang kebebasan finansial, ilmu marketing dan lain sebagainya. Pun, tidak karena mereka rajin mengikuti seminar kesuksesan atau lokakarya tentang strategi bisnis.Di lain pihak, banyak pemimpin bisnis ternyata merupakan orang-orang yang justru tidak suka belajar, malas sekolah, dan hanya ingin bermain-main saja. Boro-boro ikut seminar atau lokakarya. Lho kok bisa? Ada beberapa contoh kasus. Yang pertama, Thomas Alva Edison. Nama ini sudah kita tahu sejak di bangku SD bukan? Namun, tentunya kita kenal Edison lebih sebagai tokoh ilmu pengetahuan, karena sekolah memfokuskan ajaran hanya pada penemuan atas lampu pijar dan berbagai temuan teknis lain yang dilakukannya. Maka jarang kita memperhatikan bahwa sesungguhnya Thomas Alva Edison adalah juga seorang pengusaha besar yang sukses. Ia adalah pemilik dan pendiri berbagai perusahaan dengan nama-nama seperti Lansden Co. (mobil/otomotif), Battery Supplies Co. (baterai), Edison Manufacturing Co. (baterai dsb), Edison Portland Cement Co. (semen dan beton), North Jersey Paint Co. (cat), Edison General Electric Co. (alat listrik dll), dan banyak lainnya. Salah satu yang masih berjaya sampai sekarang adalah General Electric.Apakah untuk mencapai itu semua Edison harus bersusah-payah mengikuti berbagai sekolah dan pendidikan tinggi? Atau mengikuti seminar kelas dunia yang diselenggarakan oleh para pakar kesuksesan, pakar bisnis atau pakar financial freedom? Ternyata tidak. Figur Edison adalah figur pemalas yang hanya tahan 3 minggu bersekolah. Ia lebih suka bermain-main dengan perkakas, dengan kawat dan dengan listrik. Itu kesenangannya dan dengan itu ia sukses.Contoh lain adalah Kenji Eno. Ia juga tidak suka sekolah. Ia cuma suka bermain-main dengan permainan, istimewanya dengan video games. Kelas 2 SMA berhenti sekolah terus nganggur. Lalu dapat kerja di perusahaan perangkat lunak, sampai akhirnya ia berhasil mendirikan perusahaan perangkat lunaknya sendiri yang dinamakan WARP. Dalam tempo beberapa tahun saja Kenji Eno mampu membawa perusahaannya menjadi perusahaan video games terhebat di dunia yang diakui oleh tokoh-tokoh industri.Fenomena-fenomena yang dibuat oleh orang-orang semacam Edison dan Kenji Eno ini memberi kesan kepada kita semua bahwa bisnis itu sebenarnya lebih dekat kepada sebuah permainan, dan terlalu jauh untuk diperlakukan sebagai sebuah ilmu pengetahuan. Gede Prama yang dikenal sebagai pakar manajemen (bahkan dijuluki Stephen Covey Indonesia), mengomentari fenomena Kenji Eno sebagai kesuksesan dari kebebasan berfikir yang mampu melompat, karena belum terkena polusi-polusi yang dibuat sekolah.Menurut saya, adalah keliru mempelajari fenomena pemimpin, untuk menciptakan pemimpin. Demikian juga, keliru mempelajari fenomena pebisnis sukses, untuk mencetak pebisnis sukses. Sebab, fenomena pemimpin (atau pebisnis) adalah fenomena manusia, yang tidak sama dengan fenomena alam. Kalau Isaac Newton mempelajari peristiwa jatuhnya buah apel ke tanah (fenomena alam) dan kemudian menemukan hukum gavitasi, maka itu oke-oke saja. Karena fenomena alam tidak berubah, hukum gravitasi pun akan tetap abadi.Akan tetapi, mempelajari fenomena manusia pasti akan menimbulkan frustrasi. Sebab, manusia merupakan mesin perubahan, sehingga tidak akan ada fenomena manusia yang tinggal tetap abadi sepanjang masa, berlawanan dengan yang kita lihat pada peristiwa jatuhnya buah apel. Pemimpin, dalam bidang apa pun termasuk bisnis, adalah sosok manusia yang bebas, yang bertindak semaunya tanpa memperhatikan teori mau pun kaidah, sehingga nyaris percuma kalau kita ingin mempelajari dan mengikuti jejak sepak terjangnya.Coba lihat, pada saat terjadinya resesi ekonomi dunia tahun 1929, semua orang berdasarkan teori-teori yang ada, berusaha untuk berlaku sehemat mungkin. Tapi sebaliknya, Matsushita si raja elektrik dari Jepang malah royal mengeluarkan uang. Seakan uang itu tidak lebih dari mainan saja layaknya. Meski pun bukan tanpa alasan dia berlaku demikian.Lihat juga Kim Woo Chong, pendiri imperium Daewoo. Ketika semua pengusaha (juga dengan teori-teori yang ada) berkonsentrasi memasuki pasar negara-negara kaya semacam Amerika dan Eropa, ia malah dengan santainya masuk ke pasar-pasar “keras” seperti Iran, Sudan dan Rusia serta negara-negara blok timur.“Kesia-siaan” mempelajari dan berusaha mengikuti sepak terjang para pemimpin bisnis bisa dirasakan secara langsung di lapangan. Saat pertama kali Harvard Business Review mempublikasikan konsep pemasaran yang beken dengan “Marketing Mix” 4P (product, price, place dan promotion), nyaris semua pengusaha serta pakar bisnis menganut konsep ini secara fanatik. Begitu juga dengan perguruan-perguruan tinggi dan sekolah manajemen.Tapi, tidak terlalu lama, sebagai akibat “ulah” para pemimpin bisnis yang gemar bermain-main, perubahan tren perekonomian dan industri memaksa para pakar dan pembelajar merubah lagi konsepnya dengan 6P, 8P bahkan yang terakhir disebutkan sebagai 12P. Terus bagaimana? Kalau kita harus bersiaga setiap saat untuk belajar dan tidak ketinggalan zaman dengan ilmu marketing, kapan kita berbisnis?Saya rasa kita semua banyak yang terjebak dan hanyut dalam “arus ilmu pengetahuan” yang dibuat oleh mereka yang “pakar ilmu pengetahuan”, sehingga kita tidak sempat lagi berinovasi yang justru merupakan kunci sukses bisnis. Kita malah terus menerus “dipaksa” mengejar ketinggalan ilmu pengetahuan tanpa tahu di mana ujung pangkalnya.Pertanyaannya: ”Sebenarnya kita mau jadi pebisnis atau mau jadi ilmuwan sih?”Saya sendiri yakin bahwa bisnis dan kesuksesan itu adalah semacam permainan saja. Seperti apa yang dikatakan oleh William Cohen dalam tulisannya “The Art Of The Leader” : “Success is acquired by playing hard, not by working hard..”.Mengacu pada obsesi banyak orang tentang Bill Gates dan Donald Trump sebagaimana disebut di atas, perlu diketahui bahwa kedua orang tokoh ini pun mencapai sukses dari kesenangannya bermain-main. Bill Gates sejak masih berusia 13 tahun sudah bermain-main dengan perangkat lunak komputer, dan dengan itu ia menjadi salah satu orang terkaya di dunia. Donald Trump juga sejak kecil selalu bermain-main ke kantor ayahnya, Fred Trump. Dia suka sekali melihat-lihat maket gedung dan pencakar langit, sebelum tertarik dengan bidang bisnis sang ayah, yaitu properti. Dan jadilah Donald Trump seorang Raja Properti.Terakhir yang ingin saya sampaikan adalah, orang yang mempelajari ilmu kepemimpinan tidak akan menjadi pemimpin. Tapi, orang yang mencoba menjadi pemimpin, akan menjadi pemimpin. Demikian juga, orang yang mempelajari ilmu bisnis, tidak akan menjadi pebisnis. Tapi, orang yang mencoba menjadi pebisnis, akan menjadi pebisnis.

Salam sukses,
Rusman Hakim
Pengamat Kewirausahaan
Email: rusman@gacerindo.com
Blog: http://rusmanhakim.blogspot.com
Group: gacerindo-club@yahoogroups.com
Mobile: 0816-144.2792